OD4D works around the world with much of this work being coordinated by six regional hubs. These hubs are committed to increasing the impact of open data in their respective regions and are often further powered by a regional network of stakeholders from civil society, governments, and the private sector.
OD4D’s work in Africa is coordinated by the Africa Open Data Network (AODN). Hosted at the Local Development Research Institute (LDRI) in Nairobi, Kenya, and launched in early 2017, the hub aims to scale the development and impact of open data initiatives in Africa, promoting the adoption of open data principles, best practices, policies, and partnerships. The AODN supports capacity building and innovation-oriented activities, while building on previous open data work in Africa, including efforts led by Open Knowledge International (OKI) and the Open Data Institute (ODI).
OD4D’s work in Latin America is coordinated by ILDA. Formed in 2014 and initially hosted at Avina, the Organization of American States (OAS), and ECLAC, ILDA is now an independent organization promoting inclusive development, public and social innovation, and open knowledge through the use of public data and the participation of the communities across Latin America. ILDA works on four key issues for the future of the digital in the region: efficiency and transparency in the public sector, inclusion (with particular focus on gender), community capacity building, and the ethical challenges related to the adoption of new technologies.
OD4D’s caribbean work is coordinated by the Caribbean Open Institute (COI). Formed in 2010, the Caribbean Open Institute (COI) is a regional coalition of individuals and organizations that promotes open development approaches to inclusion, participation, and innovation within the Caribbean, using open data as a catalyst. Their focus is on advocacy, awareness, and engagement with public sector stakeholders on Open Government and Open Data; evidence of the potential impacts of Open Data initiatives through demand-side research initiatives within various thematic sectors; and capacity building related to data literacy, competence, and application as an essential component of Caribbean development.
In 2018, OD4D’s Open Data in Asia hub was launched to improve the availability and impact of open data in Southeast Asia through research and strategic coordination of existing as well as new regional collaboration initiatives. The hub aims to build a stronger community of practice in Southeast Asia comprised of open data technologists, civil society, government officials, donors, and researchers. By collaborating more effectively, OD4D, Open Development Mekong, partners in Malaysia and India, and a community of open data advocates will increase the quality, impact, and sustainability of initiatives in the region, establishing links with regional and global networks and building on the vision outlined in the Open Data in Asia 2020 report.
The African Francophone Open Data Community (CAFDO), hosted by Open Burkina, coordinates with stakeholders via a network that spans Francophone Africa to support research, innovation, data literacy, and tools for policymakers. CAFDO has been active in delivering in a number of areas, fostering leadership with local representatives in 15 countries, focusing on local capacity building, agenda building, and working with multi-stakeholder partners.
OD4D’s MENA work is coordinated by the Middle East and North Africa network (MENAdata). Formed in early 2017 at AUC, and now hosted at Birzeit University, the MENAdata network engages data focused organizations in the region through a network that aims to strengthen research and advocacy around the use of data to address long-lasting development challenges. Their work supports innovation in different fields and aims to build stronger connections with international open data initiatives and partners.